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Tofu Cat Litter

Available in the
following scents

Original Scent

Introducing a premium, environmentally friendly choice for your cat, with this all-natural and biodegradable Tofu Cat Litter.

Our Tofu Cat Litter is produced from natural bean curd residue, this sustainably sourced 100% plant-based product has no added harmful ingredients, is water soluble and can be toilet flushed*.

A lightweight and gentle on the paws litter, that absorbs fast and effectively.

Eliminates odour naturally and is a dust free litter, leaving no paw tracks.

Fast clumping means less waste, with up to 4 weeks supply for one cat and is safe, gentle and clean.


*flushable in small quantities.




2Kg box


Convenient carry handle


2Kg = Up to 4 weeks supply for one cat.


Dry Soybean (tofu), Edible Starch, Water.


For pet use only. All ingredients are natural and consumption of litter by accident is harmless. If your pet is known to consume excessive amounts, kindly consult a vet immediately.


Store in a dry and well-ventilated area.


An eco-friendly option that means the litter will breakdown faster and cause less negative impact on the environment.

Our Tofu Cat Litter is dust free, leaving no paw tracks throughout your home, unlike clay or crystal litter.

Tofu Cat Litter is water soluble, which means it can be flushed in small quantities, or put into compost.

Odour is eliminated naturally, so you don't need to worry about air fresheners.

Fast clumping means less waste, making the product last longer - up to 4 weeks supply for one cat.

Lightweight and gentle on the paws, Tofu Cat Litter is silica and synthetic free, so you can be assured you're using a 100% natural product.

Made from natural bean curd residue, our 100% plant-based product has no added harmful ingredients, making it safe for your pet and family.

All of our Tofu Cat Litter range utilises only natural fragrances.



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Learn why Tofu Cat Litter is the best!

4 Simple Steps
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4

Tofu Cat Litter is biodegradable and flushable in small quantities.
Empty and replace with fresh Tofu Cat Litter once a month.

How-to Video Tutorial

There's just 3 simple steps to use our all-natural,
eco-friendly Tofu Cat Litter.



Say goodbye to bins filled with used cat litter! Unlike crystal cat litter, Tofu Cat Litter is 100% bio-degradable. When you need to dispose of it, you can place it in the green bin, your compost bin or, in small qualities, you can flush it down the toilet.

Tofu Cat Litter traps odour with ease, and doesn't just mask the smell wth artificial fragrances and chemicals. We know that smell is unpleasant and unhealthy for you and your cat, which is why our product is developed to allow your home to be odour free.

It certainly is, as it's 99% dust-free. This results in reduced to zero nose irritation and respiratory discomfort.

One of the great benefits of Tofu Cat Litter is that it is 99% dust free, which means you can look forward to a cleaner home.

Tofu Cat Litter is made from 100% safe and high quality tofu. The unique three-dimensional fibres of tofu contain a high surface area with hundreds of thousands of microscopic pores that makes it super water absorbent, making the litter clump together, reducing wastage and making it easy to scoop out of the tray.




2Kg box


Convenient carry handle


2Kg = Up to 4 weeks supply for one cat.


Dry Soybean (tofu), Edible Starch, Water.


For pet use only. All ingredients are natural and consumption of litter by accident is harmless. If your pet is known to consume excessive amounts, kindly consult a vet immediately.


Store in a dry and well-ventilated area.